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Year 8 Geography Home Learning - Week 10/11: ALASKA

You can find books for your research about Alaska in these locations in the library:


In the Geography section:
USA - 917 and 917.3

In the reference section:
910 REF (eg World Book Encylopedia of People and Places, World Fact book etc)
912 REF - Atlases


Look in the Science section - Animals - 590 onwards

Useful web links: - Alaskan Wildlife Conservation Centre - Alaskan Government Wildlife Conservation site


Find books about a range of sports at 796-799

A useful start to your research might be at: -
this gives you some ideas for sports to research. Remember not to rely on the information from wikipedia - always double check from another source!

Don't forget to use the subject index to help you look up specific topics or ask the librarian for help.


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